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> AUSTERLITZ 2018, 30.11 - 02.12.2018
сообщение 14.9.2018, 13:26
Сообщение #1

Активный участник

Группа: Консулы
Сообщений: 12 817
Регистрация: 21.2.2007
Пользователь №: 7

Военно-историческая группа (XIX):
Л-Гв. Преображенский полк
Военно-историческая группа (XVIII):
Л-Гв. Преображенский полк, 1709

Репутация:   175  

Project Austerlitz

Central European Napoleonic Society





The commemorative event dedicated to the 213th anniversary of the battle of Austerlitz will be held on the 30th November, 1st and 2nd December 2018. The main points of program will be the saturday battle re-enactement under the Santon hill (14:00), with approx. 1000 participants in uniforms, 60 horses and 15 cannons, and the sunday act of piety at the Peace monument, the place of the hardest fight of the battle of Austerlitz (12:00).

At Austerlitz the Emperor of the French Napoleon I has decided within a few hours the out-come of the cam-paign of 1805 and the war of the 3rd coalition. The defeated russian emperor Alexander I and his army have left the central Europe; the war between France and Russia would however continue untill 1807, the battle of Fried-land and the Tilsit peace treaty. The austrian emperor Francis I has accepted the conditions of armistice signed on the 6th decem-ber 1805 at the Austerlitz castle and later also the conditions of the severe Presburg peace treaty signed on the 26th december. The severity of these conditions and Napoleon’s rising influence in Germany have led in three years to another conflict between Austria and France, the war of 1809, culminating in Moravia again, by the battle of Znaim. The Napoleonic epopee continued by the russian campaign of 1812, the war of the 6th coalition in 1813-1814 and culminated by the battle of Waterloo.

The commemorative events are not any celebration of Napoleon or his victory, and by no me-ans any celebration of war or battle. The international political and war events that, at their time, influenced Europe essentially, and divided it for a long time, are becoming ground for get-togetherness and common interest for many people from all around the world. The aim of the events is the commemoration and support of knowledge of the common european history.

Program (will be completed)

Friday, 30th November 2018

17:30 Fires of Girzikowitz, Zuran hill (organized by the commune of Podoli)

18:00 Skirmish in Krenovice (organized by Buhurt)

20:00 Opening ceremony of the Event at the Old post of Pozoritz

Saturday, 1st December 2018

07:30 Zuran hill, Sun of Austerlitz, review of the French troops

09:00–13:00 Tvarozna, review and exercise of the Coalition troops, Santon, battlefield – infantry and ca-valry maneuvers (mandatory)

14:00–15:30 Re-enactment of the battle of Austerlitz

Sunday, 2nd December 2018

12:00 Act of piety at the Peace monument near Prace

Change of program reserved.

The organizers provide:

* black powder and meals (saturday: breakfast, cold lunch, dinner; sunday: breakfast)

* lodging for those who need it (in schools, etc.)

* travel reimbursements according to the following table depending on the distance of the participant’s residence from Tvarozna:

Up to 100 km circuit A CZK 100,– per person

Up to 200 km circuit B CZK 200,– per person

Up to 300 km circuit C CZK 300,– per person

Up to 400 km circuit D CZK 400,– per person

Over 400 km circuit E CZK 800,- per person

CZK 1000,- will be payed for a cannon; and an average of CZK 3000,- will be payed for a horse within the limit of 60 riders.

The reimbursement will be paid by a bank transfer to an account specified by each unit. It is necessary to fill in the attached list of passengers (i.e. participants; no other form can be ac-cepted) and to hand it over to the organizers at the registration.

Only officers, NCOs and soldiers are eligible to receive travel reimbursements; the number of non-military personnel applying for reimbursements must not exceed 10% of military num-bers of the unit. The above mentioned conditions may change according to the real possibili-ties of the event budget.

To register your unit use the form at http://www.austerlitz.org/en/registration-form/;

in case of succesful and accepted registration you will get an e-mail confirmation.

You can register until 30th September.

Filling up and submiting this form DOES NOT ensure automatic

acceptance of your participation at the event.

You will be informed about acceptance or rejection of your registration by e-mail.

For actual information follow the Facebook, the web www.austerlitz.org,

or contact the organizers at jakub.samek@austerlitz.org (French army) ondrej.tupy@austerlitz.org (Coalition army)
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История (XVIII)
Реконструкция (XVIII)
XIX век
История (Наполеоновские войны, 1789-1815)
Реконструкция (XIX)
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История (остальной XIX век)
Галерея (XVIII)
Галерея (XIX)
Тихое место
Фотоконкурс. Жюри.
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ВИ миниатюра
Этот день в истории
XVII век
Гражданская реконструкция XVII-XVIII-XIX вв.
Конюшня XVII-XVIII-XIX вв.
Реконструкция (XVII)
История (XVII)
Галерея (XVII)
Анонсы книжных новинок: военная история XVI-XIX вв.
Военно-историческая периодика
Гусарсккие посиделки 8-)
XV век
Архив 15, не трогать.
История (XV)
Ливинг-хистори проект
Помойка для Дениса
Реконструкция (XV)
Галерея (XV)
Средневековый быт
Развлечения в Средние века
Доспехи и вооружение
Исторические документы и артефакты
Средневековая кухня
Пограничная Крепость
Живая История военных действий
Оркомитет ПК
Север-Юг и Дикий Запад
Настольные игры
Орденский кирасирский полк
Часть 1.
Часть 2.
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